Thursday, May 24, 2012

1st Ultra Sound and 9 Week Update

On Monday we had our first ultra sound! I was very excited/nervous to see how many babies were there (twins run on both sides of the family). Lucky for us, it's just one :) We didn't get to hear the heartbeat but saw it on the screen... it was going so fast! We also found out that I am O Negative, the rarest blood type there is. RH negative, in a nutshell, means that at some point in my pregnancy my body may begin to attack the baby, if the babies blood type is positive. So to prevent that, they will be testing my blood throughout the pregnancy and if need be I will be given a series of shots. It is quite rare, but nothing to be too concerned about according to the Dr.

I haven't really been in the blogging spirit, been EXTREMELY exhausted which I'm hoping gets better in the second trimester. Besides that we have had a lot of... let's call it family drama... and I feel like I haven't fully gotten to enjoy the fact that I am carrying a little life inside me. 

Also, because I haven't been feeling great, I haven't been eating the way I expected too. Far to often I am snacking on things that are not healthy because the healthy options don't appeal to me... AT ALL. I brought my What To Expect When You're Expecting book with me to work today, and I am going to try and make a list of the recommended foods to pick up at the store tonight. I love to cook, it's lack of time and energy that puts a nix on that. I am really going to make it a priority this weekend to prepare for next week, and create a meal plan, and follow it!

Last but not least, here is a 9 week Baby Bump photo... Have a great 3 day weekend!

P.S - I was shocked to find out that I had actually lost .6 lbs at my latest Dr. visit. I have felt so bloated, and have been eating so horribly that I can't fathom how this is possible, but I'll take it! :)

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