Baby update time! Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks, and a lot is happening with baby's development. According to (which is quickly becoming my favorite reference site) the baby is the size of a Kumquat this week. First thought was... "Hello, can't we compare it to a fruit or veggie that actually grows in this country?"... which then lead me to Google the word Kumquat... which led me to the following photo...
Another site said the baby was the size of a large Brazil Nut...
Either way you get the idea. Some exciting developments in week 10: No more webbed feet/hands, fingernails are growing, peach fuzz is growing on the babies head, and most exciting of all....
The end of week 10 graduates the little one from embryo to fetus status!
The most critical part of formation is over, including all major organs, ect.
Here is an idea of what baby looks like from the inside...
Aww... isn't she CUTE?!?!
I decided that since my Chinese Birth Chart insists that I'm having a girl, I'm going to stop calling my child "it", and refer to "it" as "she" for the time being :)
My mom bought me the coolest diaper bag EVER, that I keep forgetting to post a picture of. Please believe me when I tell you the photo does not do it justice as to how amazing it is...
On a final note, our garden in the front yard is doing awesome! Here is a few photos of our Roma Tomatoes and our Green Beans...
My week in summary...
How far along: 9 Weeks, 6 Days
Baby's size: a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs
less than a quarter of an ounce (size of a Kumquat)
Sleep: Last
night was awful, got up 4 times to pee… normally only get up once, and besides
that can’t complain. Trying to enjoy what little time I have left sleeping on
my stomach. Dr. says as long as it’s comfortable you can stomach sleep up to 20
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, though it’s getting harder to fit into my normal
pants. Between Mom and I we have a pretty cute collection ready to go for
whenever I need them :)
Food cravings: Iced Tea, Any kind of batter (cookie, cake, ect)
Food aversions: Every so often I am totally grossed out by dairy, but only at
certain times
Symptoms I have: Lite nausea all the time, though it seems to be getting better,
still a lot of fatigue
Doctor’s Appointment: June 14
Movement: Not
yet, though last night I think I felt the “butterfly” feeling that people have
told me about.
Belly Button: Innie.
What I’m looking forward to: Being able to feel the baby move
What I miss: Coffee,
a lot of it…
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