Monday, August 6, 2012

Time flies!

I can't believe we are on week 19 already! Almost halfway there. 

I have been slacking in the blogging department, but we have had a lot going on in our family. My grandpa passed away last week of brain cancer that he had just been diagnosed with at the end of May. My mom has been up north taking care of him in his final days, but she will finally be coming home tomorrow. We have invited her to come to our ultrasound appointment which is next Tuesday (can't believe it's here already!), so I'm glad she will be home for that. 

I have a routine check up on Friday, and I'm really wanting to see how much weight I have gained. According to the last time I weighed myself (this past weekend), I was only up 8 pounds total. I'm really happy that I have keep my weight in check, just anxious for the ultra sound to see that everything is growing properly as I feel like I should be MUCH bigger for almost 20 weeks. But then what do I know, I have never been pregnant before... and I'm quite sure I will make up for it towards the end :)

Yesterday was our anniversary, three years have just flown by! I can honestly say it has only gotten better and better, I couldn't ask for a better husband. I'm not sure if he realizes how wonderful and supportive he is, or how awesome he makes me feel. Day to day life can be super challenging but he makes it a lot easier on me. I think we are a great team, and I'm very excited to raise our child together.

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