Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 24 Update!

Baby Update...

Week 24:
It's another week full of exciting developments for your magical growing baby!
Just take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; 3) (if you have a boy) testicles: taking their 3-4 day trip from the abdominal wall to the scrotum; and 4) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”.
What’s surfactant? It's basically what it sounds like: a surface-activated fat that helps your baby's little lungs inflate (where inflate = fill with air not get more expensive for no understandable reason).
In the meantime, your submerged baby is still breathing in their amniotic fluid (and a bit of pee), preparing and rehearsing their lungs for an oxygen-filled life outside the womb.
By the end of this week, your wee womb-squatter will be weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs and 14 inches long.
All this new weight means your tiny baby is actually starting to fill out their skin, but they're not anywhere near their adorable fat-baby potential.
Most of the fetal “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (and slightly dreaded?) third trimester. Woo-hoo! Get ready!

Mommy Update...

Sleep: So, so. Finally bought a body pillow (Walmart for $9.99) and it does help a lot. I always wake up with left hip pain but it goes away pretty quickly.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, loving the maternity and non-maternity tank tops. Hit up the Target clearance rack and got two more pairs of black yoga pants… ahh heaven!

Food cravings: Iced tea with lemon, Vanilla ice cream, bagels with cream cheese, and McDonalds Egg and Cheese Biscuits.

Food aversions: The past couple weeks I haven’t been as attracted to Taco Bell, pizza or tomato based pasta? Weird…

Symptoms I have: Have had a hard time breathing in certain positions, especially after I eat. I almost always have to lie down.

Doctor’s Appointment: Just had one on 9/5, next one is 10/3… just a few days before the big game!

Movement: Yes, this child is kicking the crap outta me!

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: BOY!!!!!!

What I’m looking forward to:
Baby shower planning is in the works… very excited to finalize those plans. Also, we are going to an LSU game at The Swamp on 10/6… 7 months pregnant and at a football game? Why not!

What I miss: Being able to shave my legs or paint my toes and breathe at the same time!

6 months already?!?... and we announce his name!

The time is REALLY getting away from me! I cannot believe we are at the 6 month mark already. Getting close to the third trimester already... one book I'm reading has it at 24 weeks but most are around the 27 week mark. 

I think the most overwhelming thing for me so far has been, not the changes your body goes through, but how quickly the whole thing flies by. 

Since my last update we have had a few exciting things going on. First off, we have picked a name for our little man....

Jacob Douglas MacDonald.

Jacob comes from the bible character... or Jacob Hester from LSU (depending on which one of us you ask). Douglas was Bruce's father's name. His nickname will be J.D, which is also my Dad and Brother's initials.

We painted the nursery/kids room over Labor Day weekend. We chose a charcoal grey since we are doing a jungle theme and hope to get an awesome wall decal off of Etsy (if we have the funds). I am slowly working on stenciling the inside of the kids closet with jungle vines, and hope to do the back of the door, and inside the windows also. So far, so good.

Here are some Belly Bump update photos as I know we are a little behind! All photos have been taken past the 20 week mark.

This is the most recent Belly Bump - Week 24 taken yesterday....

Up next is the official Week 24 Update!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


It's a....


I'm so excited I'm gonna get my "little man"!
Isn't he perfectly handsome?!?

He was so excited to meet us, he wriggled around like crazy! He even gave us a little wave... look at those perfect fingers.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 19 Bump

Week 19 Stats

Sleep: Good, having a hard time not sleeping on my back though. I might have to break down and buy a Snoogle.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, still wearing my sundresses also. Bought a few paris of jean/capris off eBay and loved them. Also bought a Bellaband so i can wear my non maternity jeans. The ones my thighs and butt still fit in anyway.

Food cravings: Cold water, apples, pasta.

Food aversions: 
Sour foods.

Symptoms I have: Been having more of the stretching pains lately in my stomach and sides. And the typical, uncomfortable symptoms that come from being large.

Doctor’s Appointment: August 10, Ultrasound August 14!

Movement: Yes, at least once a day though it is still pretty light.

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: Unknown - I'm STILL convinced it's a girl though.

What I’m looking forward to: Finding out what were having, and that everything is healthy!

What I miss: Not being hot all the time. This Florida heat is killing me.

Time flies!

I can't believe we are on week 19 already! Almost halfway there. 

I have been slacking in the blogging department, but we have had a lot going on in our family. My grandpa passed away last week of brain cancer that he had just been diagnosed with at the end of May. My mom has been up north taking care of him in his final days, but she will finally be coming home tomorrow. We have invited her to come to our ultrasound appointment which is next Tuesday (can't believe it's here already!), so I'm glad she will be home for that. 

I have a routine check up on Friday, and I'm really wanting to see how much weight I have gained. According to the last time I weighed myself (this past weekend), I was only up 8 pounds total. I'm really happy that I have keep my weight in check, just anxious for the ultra sound to see that everything is growing properly as I feel like I should be MUCH bigger for almost 20 weeks. But then what do I know, I have never been pregnant before... and I'm quite sure I will make up for it towards the end :)

Yesterday was our anniversary, three years have just flown by! I can honestly say it has only gotten better and better, I couldn't ask for a better husband. I'm not sure if he realizes how wonderful and supportive he is, or how awesome he makes me feel. Day to day life can be super challenging but he makes it a lot easier on me. I think we are a great team, and I'm very excited to raise our child together.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Week 15 Update with Bump Photo

Week 15 Baby Bump

My week in summary... 

How far along: 15 weeks

Baby's size: An orange.

Sleep: Good. Except for the fact that in New Jersey the sun is up at 5:30 am, so I didn't get much sleep while I was there.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, lots of non-maternity dresses still. Also got my first pair of maternity jeans, and I must say I am in LOVE. Picked up some maternity tanks from Macy's in NJ for $6.99.

Food cravings: WATER!

Food aversions: None.

Symptoms I have: When I stand for too long I get some minor leg and lower back discomfort. Also when I wake up in the morning my back seems a little out of wack.

Doctor’s Appointment: July 12. Tomorrow!

Movement: YES! What I thought might be movement before, is definitely movement now! It is not all the time, or super powerful, but if I sit still long enough I can feel Baby Mac fluttering around in there. Very cool.

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: Unknown - I'm STILL convinced it's a girl though.

What I’m looking forward to: Picking a name. So far husband & I are worlds apart.

What I miss: I was super homesick while away. Glad to be home!

Another update to come soon, sorry this week was so late! Dr. appointment tomorrow, and week 16 starts Friday!

4th of July Weekend New Jersey Photos

I flew to New Jersey July 4th to see my grandpa who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I wasn't too keen on flying at all during the pregnancy, but he most likely only has a few more months and I was very glad I got to go and see him. 

I flew from Ft. Myers to Newark, and in both airports they use the new "full body" scanners. After researching the pro's and con's I decided that I would NOT be going through. In Ft. Myers I requested a pat down, and the TSA was very accommodating. I did not feel that it was invasive in any way. I realize many people have had negative experiences with the airport security, so I feel fortunate in this regard. When we went through security in Newark they had the option of the full body scan, or simply walking through a metal detector, so I chose the latter.

To save money I opted not to check a bag (additional $50 with United), and for the first time in my life got everything into a carry on. It helps that most of what I'm wearing at this point is sundresses.

Here are some photo's from my trip....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The last few weeks in photos...

Week 13 1/2 Baby Bump...

My adorable husband assembling our new crib!

Miss Izzy out on the town Friday night.

Our gourmet dinner at the best restaurant ever!

Izzy got to see her very first 3D movie, and she loved it... so did we:)

And then she fell asleep...

Week 14 Update

Can't believe we are on week 14 already! 
Baby Mac is now the size of a lemon. 
Last Dr. appointment on June 14 was really neat, got to hear the babies heart beat!
Everything is going perfectly so far...

My week in summary... 

How far along: 14 weeks

Baby's size: A lemon! Which is funny cause I've really been loving lemons lately...

Sleep: Have only had one bad night where I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Still sleeping on my stomach/side. Still getting up to pee at least once in the middle of the night. Waking up with left side tailbone pain the past week or so.

Maternity Clothes: Ughh... Yes. Finally broke down and bought a few things off Ebay, and as much as I hate to admit it, they are WAY more comfy. Sticking with a lot of non-maternity dresses and skirts also. Need to find a good paid of maternity yoga pants as my current ones are getting a little uncomfy.

Food cravings: Iced Tea, Water, Fruit

Food aversions: Fast food, Pizza

Symptoms I have: I have had some pains on my sides, googled it, and its normal. It's actually the stomach muscles stretching and making room for baby. I'm still really tired, but I think that is a product of my life right now, not so much the pregnancy.

Doctor’s Appointment: July 12.

Movement: Nope.

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: Unknown - I'm convinced it's a girl though.

What I’m looking forward to: Being able to feel the baby move/kick. Finding out what it is!

What I miss: Nothing! I feel super fortunate to have had a very easy pregnancy so far. 

Here's what has to say about our week 14 updates...

"This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.

In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active."

Photo Updates to come...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 11 Baby Bump Photo

Sorry this is so delayed, but here is the baby bump that goes with my last update :)

Also since my last post, I have been feeling weird sensations in my stomach... not movement but almost like a "butterfly" feeling? I had several people ask if I had been feeling this yet, and up until a few days ago the answer was a no. Kinda neat to feel signs of life :)

Also, saw the movie "What to expect when you're expecting" last night... Highly recommend it!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Week 11 Update

Here's the latest updates on baby Mac, we are on week 11 today!

We got a call to let us know when our Gender Reveal Ultrasound will be! It is scheduled for August 14. Our next doctors appointment is Thursday morning.

According to my at home scale total weight gain has been... drumroll.... 0 pounds! The doctor says my total weight gain should only be 15-25 pounds, based on my starting weight.  I am very excited as I have been trying to be very "healthy food" conscious by snacking on a lot of fruit, whole grains and soy products. 

Yesterday I FINALLY made it back to my Zumba class (doctor approved), and it felt great! I am a little sore this morning, but that's to be expected considering I haven't really worked out at all in the past 3 months. It is a big morale booster, and hope to be a lot more regular with it in the months to come. Here's an older photo of me breaking it down Zumba style, I'm the one with the big pink oval around me :)

Here's our week 11 overview from

"Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.
She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming."

Up next: Baby Bump Photo Update Week 11

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fell in love today...

Since before little Mac was conceived, I have educated and entertained myself with reading "Mommy Blogs". I have read so many, a lot of them never peaking my interest enough to return for a second view. I find myself using the term "Information Overload" more and more now that I am pregnant, just due to what seems like an infinite number of never-ending experts, advice columnists, mommy bloggers, ect.

FINALLY - A breath of fresh air. Today I stumbled across a hidden gem of a blog... one that I have already bookmarked, and will revisit time and time again. It is called Inked In Colour, and I implore you to check it out. What caught my attention first off, was the fact that the Mom blogging was from Australia,  and had just moved to a remote town in Indonesia to be closer to her husband (you can read more about their story on her blog). To be quite frank, I'm always interested in reading anything that comes from a person in a different culture then ours because I find a lot of our "Americanized" information to be, well, not educational or interesting.

 After reading her newest blog entry, I decided to go back through and start at the very beginning, reading each post in order. I think the moment I fell in love was with the post "Something Borrowed, Something Blue?" where the blogger talks about the "rule" of dressing your child in "gender appropriate" colors, decorating, ect. Then when I read her post "The culture of sleep..." which talked about co-sleeping and how natural it is in most countries - while it's a used as a scare tactic here...

All I can say is reading through this blog felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, the writing style is very calming. There are no promotional giveaways, no endorsed product reviews, no flashy baby photo shoots... just honest, simple, enlightening posts about a new mother and her baby girl.

Check it out.

Week 10 Baby Update

Baby update time! Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks, and a lot is happening with baby's development. According to (which is quickly becoming my favorite reference site) the baby is the size of a Kumquat this week. First thought was... "Hello, can't we compare it to a fruit or veggie that actually grows in this country?"... which then lead me to Google the word Kumquat... which led me to the following photo...

Another site said the baby was the size of a large Brazil Nut...

Either way you get the idea. Some exciting developments in week 10: No more webbed feet/hands, fingernails are growing, peach fuzz is growing on the babies head, and most exciting of all....
The end of week 10 graduates the little one from embryo to fetus status! 
The most critical part of formation is over, including all major organs, ect.

Here is an idea of what baby looks like from the inside...

Aww... isn't she CUTE?!?!

I decided that since my Chinese Birth Chart insists that I'm having a girl, I'm going to stop calling my child "it", and refer to "it" as "she" for the time being :)

My mom bought me the coolest diaper bag EVER, that I keep forgetting to post a picture of. Please believe me when I tell you the photo does not do it justice as to how amazing it is...

On a final note, our garden in the front yard is doing awesome! Here is a few photos of our Roma Tomatoes and our Green Beans...

My week in summary... 

How far along: 9 Weeks, 6 Days

Baby's size: a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce (size of a Kumquat)

Sleep: Last night was awful, got up 4 times to pee… normally only get up once, and besides that can’t complain. Trying to enjoy what little time I have left sleeping on my stomach. Dr. says as long as it’s comfortable you can stomach sleep up to 20 weeks.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, though it’s getting harder to fit into my normal pants. Between Mom and I we have a pretty cute collection ready to go for whenever I need them :)

Food cravings: Iced Tea, Any kind of batter (cookie, cake, ect)

Food aversions: Every so often I am totally grossed out by dairy, but only at certain times

Symptoms I have: Lite nausea all the time, though it seems to be getting better, still a lot of fatigue

Doctor’s Appointment: June 14

Movement: Not yet, though last night I think I felt the “butterfly” feeling that people have told me about.

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: Unknown

What I’m looking forward to: Being able to feel the baby move

What I miss: Coffee, a lot of it…